Only Delivered customers are eligible for Referral Points; though anybody who has MY MG APP can refer.
Referral Points would be credited to Referrer only after successful delivery of new car to Referral (i.e. Gate pass issuance by dealership).
Referral already existing with dealer – If Referral is already existing in the system (as fresh lead or under-follow-up opportunity), the referrer would not be eligible for any points.
Model-Specific Referral
→ MG Customer refers for Hector/Hector Plus – and Referral ends up with the delivery of Hector Plus/Hector. – Referrer is eligible for Point
→ MG Customer refers for Hector/Hector Plus – and Referral ends up with the delivery of MG ZS EV – Referrer is eligible for Point
→ MG Customer refers MG ZS EV – and Referral ends up with the delivery of Hector Plus/Hector – Referrer is eligible for Points
These points would be subject to validity of 6 months from date of issuance of reward points
Delivery cancellation by either of the parties (referral or referrer) – points will be reversed.
Customer referring Gloster would not to be eligible for Points; though Gloster customers referring Hector, Hector Plus and MG ZS EV would be eligible for reward points
Referral Points are not transferrable – No transfer of points when ownership is transferred. Reward points cannot be encashed
Points will be on customer ID and not on vehicle – Sold to Party (esp. for Corporate Customers)
Points can be redeemed for AMC, Accessories, Merchandise and all paid services (AMC T&C applied). Balance amount, if in excess of reward points, to be paid by customer directly as per invoice amount
Tax incidence, if any would be borne by customer